Degree Planning

Planning Your Degree

Promotion Requirements

Progress: Students must receive a passing grade of 60% in each nursing course to progress to the next nursing course. Students must satisfy the prerequisites, corequisites and concurrent requirements for each nursing course. Students must maintain a cumulative grade average of 65% for all required courses and may be required to withdraw from the program if their cumulative grade average falls below 65%. Refer to the BSN Program Student Guide for policies related to progression in nursing practice courses.

Normally students must complete the program within seven years of initial entry.

Although satisfactory academic performance is prerequisite to advancement, it is not the sole criterion in the consideration of the suitability of a student for promotion or graduation. The School of Nursing reserves the right to require a student to withdraw from the School if considered to be unsuited to proceed with the study or practice or nursing.
Continuation Requirements

Withdrawal and Failure: A student who withdraws or fails any nursing course may be required to withdraw from all other nursing courses due to concurrent registration requirements.

Students who are considering withdrawal and students who fail should discuss the matter with the Associate Director.

Re-entry following withdrawal: A student who withdraws and intends to apply for re-entry into the BSN program must normally return no later than one year from the time of leaving the program and must apply for re-entry through Enrolment Services. Concurrent registration requirements will determine the courses in which the student must enrol.

Re-entry following failure: A student who fails and intends to apply for reentry into the BSN program must normally return no later than one year from the time of leaving the program and must apply for re-entry through Enrolment Services. Concurrent registration requirements influence the decision about which courses must be repeated upon re-entry. A student who re-enters following failure in a practice course may be required to repeat and pass a lower level nursing practice course and satisfy concurrent registration requirements for that course. If a student subsequently fails any nursing course, he/she will be required to withdraw from the program for a minimum of two calendar years. If a student returns after the two year waiting period, he/she will be required to enter the first semester of the program and to successfully repeat all nursing courses including courses in which advance standing or transfer credit were previously granted.

Performance: Students must at all times adhere to the Code of Ethics of the Canadian Nurses Association and act in conformity with the College of Registered Nurses of British Columbia (CRNBC) Standards of Practice.

Each student is expected to recognize his or her own limitations, act responsibility at all times, and take responsibility for ensuring continued competency and learning. A student may be required to withdraw from a practice placement if the above expectations are not met, or when medical and/or other problems interfere with satisfactory performance.

Students will be denied their practice experience if the preparatory work is deemed unsatisfactory or if the Dean of Health and Social Development determines that their participation in practice puts the receiving agency or its clients at unreasonable risk.

Financing your Education

Prior to applying for student loans, students are advised to check their SSC mail for an annual update from the UBC Student Financial Assistance and Awards office.

This communication, sent out each summer, will provide you with the information that you need to cover your summer CPE as part of the loan period. If you have questions, please contac the office at 250.807.9100.